I'm Max Plankar.
from 📍 Glencoe, IL
Developer. Coding to make the world a better place and building awesome stuff along the way.
hi 👋
I'm Max (he/him). I've always had a love for automation, and I first started coding at 13 years old during the pandemic. My first job included programming obstacles for drone racing. Today, in addition to developing, I spend my time running a cube coaching business, teaching kids how to solve Rubik's cubes. I'm also an editor and writer for my school's satire newspaper, the Near True News.
contact 🤝
I always keep my inbox open for structured work, internships, freelance opportunities, and other queries. Feel free to reach out to me via email at maxplankar@gmail.com, or via any of my other socials below. I answer almost everything.
projects 👨💻
I've been proud to work on a bunch of projects over the years. I've also put time into crafting thoughtful writeups for many of them. I keep almost all my projects on a dedicated page here.
tech stack ⚙️
These are some of the technologies I utilize when starting a new project. Though there's some overlap, I've always believed that using the right tool for the right job is the most important aspect of software development.